Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ginza Six

I popped into the new Ginza Six department store earlier today.

The place was pretty busy with tourists and locals all looking to explore the hottest new shopping location in Town.

First thing of note was several large marshmallow-looking decorations hanging from the ceiling. I'm not sure if it's because I'm in Japan, but the immediate association I made was that they look like disembodied mushrooms from the Mario game series.

I headed right up to the top floor, not really interested in the fashion or brand shops. To my delight, I arrived at a great looking Tsutaya book shop.

When I first arrived in Japan back in the early 2000s Tsutaya was where I'd rent out DVDs -- 24, Prison Break, movies. I remember when it used to be an event to go and do this, and have many happy memories of browsing the aisles looking forward to an evening of light entertainment, popcorn, and a few beers.

Times have changed though, and it's been years since I've used a DVD, never mind stepped foot into a Tsutaya.

It seems they made a pivot to selling high-end books though. Books are another thing I don't bother with in physical format anymore, but these books were different--upmarket arty books, manga and magazines, which seem precisely to format you'd prefer to hold in your hands and celebrate as an item of beauty in its own right.

The atmosphere is helped by the layout, which is like a mix between modern art museum and trendy library.

You could browse for hours in here. Unfortunately I was on my lunch break so had to settle for 15 minutes.

Definitely worth a trek if you are planning to visit Ginza and you enjoy books, photography, manga or art.



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